Monday, 30 April 2012

On the Treadmill

Back I went today for my Stress Test with Ultrasound……and I ran (or at least walked very quickly) a Personal Best….I went a full 15 seconds longer than last time….What a champion!!!!!!  Last time I did nine minutes.  I know it doesn’t sound like a long time and it would have been much easier if they hadn’t kept speeding up the treadmill and making the incline steeper (but that probably would defeat the purpose of the test – which I am sure is to initiate heart attacks and drum up business!!!!)

I still have to go back to the specialist on Thursday for official confirmation but apparently it all looks good!!

After that, Ron and I are planning another short escape. We haven’t decided exactly where or how long yet.


  1. glad to hear it went well and your're still alive. We take off Friday for Coff's Harbour somewhere. Bob had the tap added to the water tank yesterday so we can drain it as needed. Went to the doctor this morning for our whooping cough and tetanus needles ( free for grandparents)and this afternoon we're off to babysit. My fence painting is progrssing well. Hope this finds you both well and you have a better bite at selling the house.
    Love Fran

    1. Thanks Fran.....hope you have a fabbo trip.....might bump into you (hopefully not literally) on the road!!
